My name is Wojciech Żyłka and I am a personal trainer in Katowice. On a daily basis, I help my clients achieve their fitness goals. For you, it may be losing unnecessary weight before an important day, for someone else it may be an improvement in well-being, endurance or general improvement in health and mood.
Tell me what you want to achieve and I'll tell you what you need and how to do it. I approach each person individually. Often we can achieve the same goal in different ways and my task is to find the one that will give you the best chance of success.
My clients are not professionals participating in fitness competitions. They are ambitious and hardworking people who, in their busy and full of responsibilities life, need someone who will take care of them and lead them towards their sporting goal.
I conduct personal trainings at Altus Fitness gym and Smart Gym Rozdzieńskiego in the center of Katowice. Both facilities are well-equipped, have top-class equipment and all necessary amenities, including free parking.
Join them with your own transformation
#1 Optymalna droga prosto do Twojego celu
Ponad 9 lat doświadczenia, setki klientów, którym pomogłem osiągnąć ich sportowe cele. Niezależnie czy chcesz zgubić kilka kilogramów, poprawić samopoczucie bądź pozbyć się bólu pleców przez tryb pracy, pomogę Ci znaleźć najlepszą drogę aby to zrobić.
#2 Komfort i bezpieczeństwo
Sprawdzone metody treningowe jak i elastyczne podejście do każdego klienta pozwalają mi stworzyć dla Ciebie przyjemne środowisko treningowe gdzie będziesz się czuć się bezpiecznie i komfortowo.
#3 Holistyczne podejście
Osiągnięcie celu często wymaga więcej niż sam trening dlatego dodatkowe kwalifikacje z zakresu dietetyki oraz fizjoterapii pozwolą nam w sposób kompleksowy podejść do Twojego celu.
Over 9 years of experience, hundreds of clients whom I have helped to achieve their sports goals. Whether you want to lose a few pounds, improve your mood or get rid of back pain through working out, I will help you find the best way to do it.
Proven training methods as well as a flexible approach to each client allow me to create a pleasant training environment where you will feel safe and comfortable.
To achieve certain goal often it requires more than just training, which is why additional qualifications in the field of dietetics and physiotherapy will allow us to comprehensively approach your goal.
Wojciech is a great personal trainer! The training sessions are fun and challenging. Furthermore, he helps you with training schedules, food recommendations and all explained in good English.
I have been training with Wojtek for a few years now and it has been great. He creates training programs tailored for what you are trying to achieve and then motivates you to stick to them. Would definitely recommend.
Wojtek makes me push my limits whilst keeping it fun.Also, another big plus for me is that Wojtek speaks great English, including gym specific terms.If you're looking for a trainer, look no further!!
Comprehensive care from A to Z. We leave nothing to a chance. Trust a professional, stop stressing and thinking what to do next.
Perfect option for people who live away from Katowice or do not have the opportunity to meet in person.
140 PLN per session
150 PLN per session
save up to 69 PLN
349 PLN
•Diet plan for 30 days
•Training plan for 30 days
•Online consultation
•Constant contact
•Convenient shopping list
•Instructional videos of exercises
•Weekly progress analysis and plan adaptation
1200 PLN
•8 personal training sessions
•Implementation of an individual program
•Functional evaluation of movement
•Learining the correct technique
•Comfort and safety
1680 PLN
•12 personal training sessions
•Implementation of an individual program
•Functional evaluation of movement
•Learining the correct technique
•Comfort and safety
Still hesitating?
Contact me via the form below and I will be happy to answer all of your questions regarding our cooperation.
Make an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION!